Why Responsive Web Design is Important

As smartphone as well as tablet adoption swiftly increases, so does the importance of mobile friendly websites. If SEO is a main factor of your digital marketing strategy, getting a mobile–friendly website continues to be vital.

The dispute between if you would like to select a responsive website or perhaps a separate mobile website is a really argued topic. Having said that, you should know that that both alternatives have their advantages and disadvantages.

The choice that is most beneficial for your business depends on several factors, for example the purpose of the website, the designated target market, and whether SEO is a consideration.

If SEO is a consideration, listed below are three main reasons why responsive web design is the ideal choice for your mobile SEO strategy.

A Responsive Site is Recommended by Google

Google explains that responsive web design is its suggested mobile configuration, and perhaps even goes as much as in referring to responsive web design as the industry best practice.

For the reason that responsive design websites have just one URL as well as having the same HTML, no matter what device, making it easier and a lot more efficient for Google to crawl, index, as well as organize content. Contrast this along with a other mobile site which could have a different URL as well as different HTML in comparison with its desktop counterpart, that requires Google to crawl and certainly index several versions of the very same site.

Only One Site in Different Devices

Essentially the most appealing elements of responsive web design is the idea that a responsive website can offer a great user-experience across numerous devices as well as screen sizes. It is really an essential characteristic, because it is not possible to anticipate all the devices and screen sizes visitors will use to get into your site. A site that works well despite of these variables will offer a greater and more consistent user-experience than a separate mobile site that is made for a particular device and screen size.

Let’s consider the following example. A certain person looks for a product on their smartphone during the lunch break while at work. They discover a website which has the product they’re in search of, and decide to go on researching this product within the same site once they get home. Except, once they get home, they are able to use their desktop instead of their smartphone.

Easy to Manage

Having a different desktop as well as mobile website demands getting separate SEO campaigns. Running one site as well as one SEO campaign is way less complex than managing two sites as well as two SEO campaigns. This can be a key benefit a responsive website has over a separate mobile website.

With that being said, there will be benefits to obtaining a mobile-specific SEO strategy, which can include optimizing for keywords that are most probably searched when a certain person is on their smartphone.